Jordin Sparks has been working hard on her sophomore album – Battlefield – and will be releasing it on July 21!! For those of you who are truly lovers of high-quality music from someone with absolutely phenomenal vocal abilities, please support her! Go out and buy Battlefield on July 21 and show Jordin your appreciation for her hard work and magnificent gift from God – her voice!! If you haven’t heard her first single from the album, go here and check out the video!! Also, follow Jordin on Twitter (@TheRealJordin) and pass the message along to your friends! She’s such a talented musician and a positive image; we should definitely support her!! Here’s a special message from her to YOU – the fans:

Remember! Battlefield album by Jordin Sparks will be released July 21!! I’m so excited for it! I can’t wait to get it! It’s available right now for pre-order on iTunes and Amazon if you’re one of those people that just can’t wait (like me…). Please go out and buy it! Show her some support!!